Monday, March 7, 2011

Do Women Find Male Genital Piercing A Turn On

detailed list of the best things the last month

(Premise: You know, this post is clearly inspired by Faziani & Saviana. But there is another reason to the source. Recently, my good Pierre Clair Les pointed out the importance and power of this language game. From the description here)


- The revival of "Make A Plan", of the Desaparecidos demo weblog 2002. After nine years of work the authors have decided to make it available to people if it was lost.

- The first words of smiling and a phone call from my dear friend, became his uncle recently: "Die, I took her up!"

- The trembling words of the same friend a few days away: "Die, perhaps become a father!" (For the "Burning steps ")

- This song

- The Wreck of Croton at 7:30 of

Sunday, February 13, 2011 - A notebook has to cover "The Kiss" by Gustav Klimt, given to me by my sister

- My friend Zak

- This video = ZmlkmVoPuQA

- The phrase with which, during a cocktail, an old friend of mine has put his knowledge of the female gender in comparison with that of an acquaintance: "When I had sex, he was still playing with Transformers."

- The bathroom above a restaurant in Milan

- More than 400 people present at The Flag of Biassono (I) Friday, February 24, 2011

- The arrival in Bergamo the following day: at the station, suddenly, Fausto and I see pop out a car Mauicc, came from Pisa to surprise us.

- Breakfast for Sunday, February 26, 2011. (Jacqueline & Joe Cereals Raisin in the place)

- The English translation of some dishes on the menu Chinese restaurant "The Golden Dragon" (Roma - Piazza Bologna area). Grilled Pork on Pork = iron plate (which looks like the title of a disc of Pink Floyd). I did laugh.

- The clerk of a store H & M, in advising the color of a shirt to match a sweater and pants, he says: "If you can play with the accessories." It was not a joke, but my brother in law still takes the piss out of me (metaphorically).

- My beautiful extended family, the princess sfincione, fish, Ballaro Vucciria, the four songs, Cyprus & Maresco, Stokke & Mad Buddy. In a word: Palermo.

- The new Radiohead album, "Deep Red", bought in the release-day and already consumed.

- The hot bath tonight with "Blood like lemonade" in the background of Morcheeba. It was five years I was not a hot bath. Five years.


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